Thursday 23 May
11:30 Registration and Welcome (tea and coffee)
12:30 Parallel Panel Sessions
PANEL A – Alien and Audiences (Cinema)
Martin Barker (Aberystwyth University) – ‘“Professional” Audiences and Alien’
Kate Egan (Aberystwyth University) – ‘Allowing “us to just LIVE there”: Atmosphere, Authorship and Audience Evaluations of the Alien Film Series’
Filipa Antunes (UEA) and Alec Plowman – ‘Alien identities: genre, young audiences, and a franchise’s split personality’
PANEL B – Alien’s Progeny (PL2)
Kenneth Sloane (Dundalk Institute of Technology) – ‘Archetypes at the Crossroads: How divergent creative aspirations and global political upheaval shaped, and misshaped, the development of Alien 3’
Carrie Lynn Evans (Université Laval, Quebec) – ‘Finding Fractals in the Chaotic Universe of Alien, Prometheus and Covenant’
Zoë Wible (University of Kent) – ‘“What the hell is that?”: A cognitive approach to species categorization in the Alien transmedia franchise’
14:00 Parallel Panel Sessions
PANEL A – Alien and Feminism (Cinema)
Rona Murray (Lancaster University) – ‘I’m a Stranger here Myself: Sigourney Weaver and feminist agency in the Alien franchise’
Frances A. Kamm (University of Kent) – ‘“A Gothic Set in Space”: Alien and the Female Gothic’
PANEL B – Alien and Gaming (PL2)
Bronwyn Miller (Sydney University) – ‘Remediating Ripley: Negotiating the Male Gaze in Alien: Resurrection’
Reuben Martens (KU Leuven) – ‘Hissing in the Air Vents: On the Relation of Fear and Narrative in Alien: Isolation’
Eoin Murray (Bangor University) – ‘Giving Power to the Powerless: Player engagement and agency in Alien: Isolation’
15:30 Tea/Coffee
16:00 Parallel Panel Sessions
PANEL A – Alien Futures (Cinema)
Peter Hodges (University of South Wales) – ‘Loving the Alien: How sound brings life to the fantastic’
Kieran Nolan and Kenneth Sloane (Dundalk Institute of Technolgy) – ‘Retro Videogame Aesthetics and the Alien Universe’
PANEL B – Alien: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (PL2)
Metamorphosis (David Shepherd, Bangor)
Artificial Intelligence (Bill Teahan, Bangor)
17:00 Preview screening: Alien on Stage: The Documentary (PL2)
Including Q&A with director/editor Danielle Kummer and director/producer Lucy Harvey
Supper / Refreshments18.00
GUEST SPEAKER: Colin Arthur (Visual Effects Artist on Alien) (PL2) 19.00
Film Screening: Alien (Cinema) 20.15– tickets sold separately
Friday 24 May
09:00 Parallel Panel Sessions
PANEL A – Alien, Art and Literature (Cinema)
Amanda Potter (Open University) and Tania Evans (Australian National University) – ‘Spawn on Alien: The Monstrous Feminine in Homer’s Odyssey, Alien [1979], and Siren [2018- ]’
Gareth Halliwell (Edge Hill University) – ‘At the Mountains of LV-426: Ridley Scott’s Alien in H.P. Lovercraft’s ‘At the Mountains of Madness’’
Christopher L. Robinson (École Polytechnique) – ‘The Father of Alien: Visualizing Alien as an H.R. Giger Painting’
PANEL B – Alien: Promotion, Paratexts and Transmedia (PL2)
Tonguç Sezen (Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences) – ‘Intradiegetic Paratexts of the Alien Franchise’
Cormac Donnelly (Futureworks Media School) – ‘Selling the “Star Beast”’
Kim Louise Walden (University of Hertfordshire) – ‘Prometheus’ Promotional Campaign: Where ‘the advertising is part of the picture’’
Tea and coffee10:30
11:00 Parallel Panel Sessions
PANEL A – Alien and Theory (Cinema)
Dominic Lash (University of Bristol) – ‘Bursting through: two ruptures of (and in) Alien [1979]’
Mario Slugan (Ghent University) – ‘Melodrama of the Unknown Woman Lost in Space: A Cavellian Reading of Alien’
Jocelyn Dupont (University of Perpignan) – ‘Alien and Georges Bataille’s Eroticism’
PANEL B – Alien and Bodies (PL2)
Fran Pheasant-Kelly (University of Wolverhampton) – ‘Reframing the Abject: Alien, the Bodily Turn and a “Structure of Feeling”’
Sara Wheeler (Glyndŵr University) – ‘Boundaries of viscerality: a sense of abjection regarding “the perfect organism”’
Nicola Pasqualicchio (University of Verona) – ‘A struggle of the archetypes: Ellen Ripley between virile heroism and monstrous motherhood’
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Parallel Panel Sessions
PANEL A – Alien and Identity (Cinema)
Steven Davies (Glyndwr University) – ‘The Space Jockey and the Selfie’
David Ellis (Bangor University) - ‘Would an Encounter of the Third Kind be the Last Kind we ever have?: Moral considerations on the human and alien communication’
PANEL B – Alien, The Maternal and The Paternal (PL2)
Amanda DiGioia (University College London) – ‘Postmodern Prometheus and the perversion of male creation: examining motherhood, fatherhood, and birth in the Alien series’
Alice Haylett Bryan (King’s College London) – ‘“Would you go back for Newt?”: Watching the Alien franchise as a mother’
14:30 Tea and coffee
Dr Rikke Schubart (Syddansk Universitet/University of Southern Denmark)
‘Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty: The AlienFilm Franchise as Interspecies Human-Alien Pet Play’
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